Engine System

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Instructor: Digital TVET .
Categories: TVET


Engine System


Several engines are usually implemented in the vehicles as per their types and if you choose the type of engine as per the merit, it’ll greatly efficient for its operation on the road where with the help of diesel engines approximately 43 percent of the fuel energy is converted into mechanical work while the rest of the energy goes in vain. However, due to the great loss of energy in the diesel & petrol engine, the improvement is still possible where the engineers must work on the same. It's also very important to know for the readers that the engineer is crucial for the protection of the heavy vehicles which are capable of providing the braking power.  

There are two types of engines viz., external combustion engines & internal combustion engines. In the external combustion type engines, the combustion of ammunition (fuel) occurs outside the engine which is the main reason to be identified as the same name. The best example of the external combustion engines is a steam turbine. One the other side the internal combustion engines are those types of engines where the combustion of the fuel occurs inside the engine where two strokes & four-stroke Diesel & Petrol engines are the best examples of Internal combustion engines. The internal combustion engines are usually discriminated after considering various aspects such as types of design, fuel used, ignition, number of strokes & operation.



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  • 151 students entrolled
  • Lifetime access
  • Certificate of Completion

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