Auto Wiring System

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Instructor: Digital TVET .
Categories: TVET


Auto Wiring System

The most important part of the electrical wiring is that it must be installed properly and in case of any inaccuracy in the electrical wiring system particular devices will be damaged. If any wiring system is installed inaccurately or without following any standard, it is a major chance to lead malfunctioning of the device which will also be a reason to diminish the life of the particular device. Every person who installs the auto wiring system must know all the related aspects which are necessary for the installation for the residential, or commercial purpose. The major wiring systems are of three types viz., Lead Sheathed Wiring, Concealed Conduit Wiring, & Surface Conduit Wiring. 


In the Auto Wiring System, electrical power & control signals must be passed to the particular electrical device in a secure manner. You must have to ensure that the specific electrical system functions are not damaged which may become a cause to convert it into hazardous circumstances. Military vehicles usually implement the one & two-wire circuits, and terminal connections. In the Auto Wiring System, various colors are used in the wires for their proper identification where the system of color-coded wires is called the loom. These wires in the car's wiring system have the insulation of wiring tape or plastic cover. In some state of the art cars, separate thin wires embedded in the flat plastic strips are used. 


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